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Solar | Why Go Solar?

Reasons are as simple as how much you love your life, your world & Your Children

The Reasons is simple:


  • Do it for the planet: The use of solar panels dramatically reduces the size of your carbon footprint. Solar energy is a renewable alternative to power plants that burn fossil fuels and emit greenhouse gases, which lead to global warming.


  • Do it for your Wallet: Solar PV system which complied with FiT Scheme is a fuss free investment with attractive return, also, international solar finance experts suggest that every 1,000 Watts of power from a PV (photovoltaic) panel adds RM10,000 to the resale value of a home. Solar panels require little or no upkeep, rarely break or wear out, and can last for up to 25 years, providing you with clean, consistent energy. 


  • Do it for the next generation: The use of solar energy makes the future bright for Malaysia and its residents and leaves a legacy of clean energy and a strong, unsoiled, environment for generations to come.

Why Should I choose Solar?


When electricity providers hike up their prices, the sun keeps shining for free. Solar panels produce energy from daylight, so they still work on overcast days. You can generate your own free power, and stop worrying about soaring bills.



With government tariffs and payback schemes, you can earn money from producing solar power. It’s low-risk, with predictable year-on year-yields giving you a better rate of return than an Fixed Deposit! Learn more about the financial incentives.



Solar is fuss-free, easy to install and very low-maintenance. The power from the panels is warrantied for 25 years and expected to continue generating for many years beyond its guaranteed life. All you need to get started is a building or some land – and it’s quiet, with little visual impact.



Unlike fossil fuels which create harmful air pollution and global warming, electricity created from the sun is clean. So a typical home with solar could save a tonne of carbon dioxide a year, while an acre of solar could save an amazing 10,000 tonnes.


An investment to be proud of

Malaysia has agreed to reduce its carbon dioxide emission up to 40 percent by the year 2020 compared to the 2005 levels, and aims to increase renewable energy from 5.5 percent of total consumption by 2015 to 11 percent by 2020 as demand is set to double in 20 years. By choosing solar, you make an investment you can be proud of and show you’re commitment to clean, renewable energy. What’s more, you’ll be supporting Malaysia installers and the Malaysia economy in these tough times.

I’d put my money on the Sun and Solar Energy, what a source of Power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out, before we tackle that.


-- Thomas Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) World most respected Inventor

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