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Investing Solar | Get Started!

You can have 2 option to kick start:

Option 1:

Complying steps (10 Steps!) set by SEDA by your own:

The Feed-in Approval (FiA) application steps are as follows:

Step 1


Interested party to check / comply with (check at :


Renewable Energy (Feed-in Approval and  Feed-in Tariff Rate) Rules 2011


Renewable Energy (Criteria for Renewable Resources) Rules 2011


Renewable Energy (Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements) Rules 2011


SEDA Malaysia : RE quota (application based on scheduled FiT Commencement Date)

Step 2



Secure legal rights to the site of the RE installation / letter of intent from the site owner (if  you do not own the property)


Design RE installation (capacity, technical details, etc)


Check relevant local authority and other governmental requirements


Contact potential financier & obtain financing offer letters/term sheet


Prepare work plan & major milestones

Step 3


Apply for FiA (either through online or manual submission)


Step 4



Sign Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement (REPPA) with relevant Distribution Licensee (DL)

Register the signed REPPA with SEDA Malaysia

Step 5


Sign financing agreement(s) and fulfil all conditions to first drawdown

Option 2:

Get Professional to handle all the procedure and keep you updated:

As simple as 4 steps:

Step 1 -
Analysis and SUbmissions


Contact us ( Free online assessment on eligibility without obligation) :


Make sure you have:

  • Sufficient fund (>RM40,000)

  • Age older than 21 years

  • Suitable site for installation (Own or rental)



Provide us all the neccessary documents




Step 2 -
Assessment & Signing



Us: Do all the necessary parts



You: Sign all the form, agreements etc. according to SEDA's requirements which passes to you from us



Step 3 -
Installations & Commissioning




Us: Installation job according to mutual agreed schdule, arrange for T&C by liaising with TNB.



You: Be available while we do the installation & T&C.

Step 4 -
Us: Monitoring
You: Earning!




Us: We will assist you to monitor your system perfomance and fine tune it from time to time.



You: Receive Payment from TNB monthly direct to your bank account, stay fuss-free and keep your peace of mind.

You can start NOW by contacting Us.
Step 6



Service provider/ contractor to commence & complete PV system

Step 7


FiT meter installation

Step 8



Carry out Acceptance Test (to be verified & certified by Qualified Person)

Step 9



FiT Commencement Date

Give notice of FiT Commencement Date to SEDA Malaysia & DL before and after FiT Commencement Date

Start of FiT duration

Step 10 - Last Step!



Monthly meter readings


DL will issue monthly payment advice to FiA holder after meter is read


FiT payment to be paid by DL within 30 days after issuance of payment advice

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