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Investing Solar | Self Estimation

We hereby discuss the "Self-estimation" process on a "roof retroffited" basis.

Question No.1:
Is your roof "Cost Effective" for a solar Installation?

First of all, you might need to have a look at your roof (if you haven't do so before), for cost effectiveness and technical reasons, most installation should be done within 2 surface of roof(s).


Let's say if your roof falls in the "Open Gable Roof" category, you can fully ultilized it if the size is big enough for the required capacity/investment/return, provided there is no shading issues on all the surface, however, other types of roofing are also capable to support a solar installation depends on proper design.


Our solar panel's size is 1650mm x 990mm, capacity per piece is 0.25kWh, as an example, for a 12kWh system, 48 pcs is required, you can do your calculation by your own for an estimated capacity. However, the fully utilized capacity which can fit on your roof top is subjected to other technical requirements like connectivity, alignment, space buffering, roof balancing and others as well.

Question No.2:
How much you plan to invest?

For investing a home solar system complying Malaysia Feed-in Tariff, a suggestion for a minimum investment is RM40,000, which equavalent to a 4kWh system, due to:

  • You get the maximum rate of Feed-in Tariff for >= 4kWh FiT approval (RM0.03 difference per kWh)


However, for those who plan for a bigger investment (bigger return too), a 12kWh (Max quota for Individual category) system worth from RM105k to RM120k depends on your selection of system specifications or any add-on.

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