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Investing Solar | The Cost of Investing Home Solar System In Malaysia

How much will it cost?


Hereby we are going to provide you the answer.

By simple calculation, you will get to know the answer quickly:


A standard Home Solar System Setup Cost for ? 


$ =  ?kw X RM10,000 to 12,000*




How much will a 4kWh System Cost?


4kw x RM 10,000 to RM12,000 = RM40,000 to RM50,000


*The cost will be various by:

  • the solar panels quality (therefore a range of price),

  • the inverters quality

  • the installation requirements (eg. hidden cable from roof to inverters compare to standard exposed)

  • Others

Now you might want to know the return of investment (ROI) by investing a solar system.


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