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Investing Solar | Return of Investing Solar

So, I assume that you already know how much is the  cost of investing a home solar system. Hereby, we will discuss about the potential return and what will affect the return rates:

Malaysia Average Solar Radiance

To calculate a Solar System's productivity, first we will need to know how much is Malaysia's "average solar radiance".


The Average Solar Radiance for Whole Malaysia is recorded at 4.43 kWh Metre Square per day, however, hereby we take a more conservative figure for the calculation: 3.7 kWh.

Monthly Income

By installing a 12kWh system which cost you RM105,000, it will generate an income of:


12kWp X 3.7kWh X 30days X RM1.2358 = RM1,646.08*


Return of Investment (ROI)

Annual Revenue =

RM1,646.08 X 12months = RM 19,753.02

Installation Cost for 12kWh System: RM105,000


ROI (%) = (RM19,753.02 / RM105,000) X 100% = 18.8%*

*For Inllustration only, all of the example does not served as a guaranty.

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