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Solar | General Knowledge

What is Solar?

Solar takes advantage of a free and powerful energy source – the sun.In a single hour, the sun transmits more energy to the earth's surface than the world uses in a year.Solar converts this energy into electricity, making it a simple, clean and cost-effective way to power our lives. It’s dependable, too – because unlike fossil fuels, the sun’s energy is unlimited.Just imagine what that could do for the environment, and to you, financially.

Extended Reading: Earth's Energy Budget

The Earth can be considered as a physical system with an energy budget that includes all gains of incoming energy and all losses of outgoing energy. The planet is approximately in equilibrium, so the sum of the gains is approximately equal to the sum of the losses. All energy use results in waste heat. In order to use more total energy than presently and without raising the Earth's average temperature, that additional energy must be compensated for by using only sources that would otherwise have been wasted.


Extracted from: Wikipedia

What are Solar Panels?

Placed on roofs or on the ground, solar panels capture the sunlight and convert it into electricity.


It was once treated as a "Trendy" & "expensive" technology, however, by time passes, the technology of producing and scale of economy has lowered the production cost with an astonishing rate that make solar a reasonable choice for an cleaner alternative of power source.


It’s true that the more light the panels receive, the more electricity they can generate. But they still work on cloudy days – just as a solar-powered calculator does.Their full name is solar photovoltaic panels, or PV. (“Photo” means “light” and “volts” means electricity.). However, we usually just say “solar” for short.

Extended Reading: Advantage & Disadvantage of SOlar Panels

Advantage: Solar energy is a completely renewable resource. This means that even when we cannot make use of the sun’s power because of nighttime or cloudy and stormy days, we can always rely on the sun showing up the very next day as a constant and consistent power source.

Disadvantage: The Solar Cells and Solar Panels that are needed to harness solar energy tend to be very expensive when you first purchase them.

Advantage: Solar cells make absolutely no noise at all. They do not make a single peep while extracting useful energy from the sun. On the other hand, the giant machines utilized for pumping oil are extremely noisy and therefore very impractical.

Advantage: Solar energy creates absolutely no pollution. This is perhaps the most important advantage that makes solar energy so much more practical than oil. Oil burning releases harmful greenhouses gases, carcinogens and carbon dioxide into our precious air.

Advantage: Very little maintenance is required to keep solar cells running. There are no moving parts in a solar cell, which makes it impossible to really hurt them. Solar cells tend to last a good long time with only an annual cleaning to worry about.

Advantage: Solar panels and solar lighting may seem quite expensive when you first purchase it, but in the long run you will find yourself saving quite a great deal of money. After all, it does not cost anything to harness the power of the sun. Unfortunately, paying for oil is an expensive prospect and the cost is still rising consistently. Why pay for expensive energy when you can harness it freely?

Advantage: Solar powered panels and products are typically extremely easy to install. Wires, cords and power sources are not needed at all, making this an easy prospect to employ.

Advantage: Solar power technology is improving consistently over time, as people begin to understand all of the benefits offered by this incredible technology. As our oil reserves decline, it is important for us to turn to alternative sources for energy.

How Solar Panel Works?

You’ve probably seen solar panels on roofs, or maybe on the ground. The panels are frames made up of solar (PV) cells (these are layers of monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon).The best conditions for solar:


  1. All facing directions are consider efficient in Equatorial countries, tilting angle plays a bigger role.

  2. An angled roof (not flat) that points to the sun.

  3. An unshaded spot so your solar can see the sun absorb as much daylight as possible throughout the day.

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